I call it evil. Blatant, in-your-face corruption enforced by all-powerful VVIP. I rate this 3rd. After Zimbabwe (sp?) and Burma. Well, no First for me here, so I better shut up or risk jail.
On to water - did you know that they pay you to use water? A colleague, who had to run 3 full separate indoor pools' worth of water has $0 water bill, and another one, she has a credit of 4 credit! Because the state they live in is deem "poor" so they pay the "poor" 20 ringgit a month for water. Me, living in the district KL, I pay around 23 ringgit a month. I wash 2 loads a week, we flush after about 3-4 deposits, and showers are about 2 minutes long for me.
Aah, it's called ranting. No wonder I'm so incoherent. Well, I'm off. Feel better now. Just that no one is really thinking about the future, or even the next generation. They who will bear the cost of our follies.
1 comment:
This blog needs some SERIOUS updating! The lat entry is 2009??? Wow - even chibiguri has been updated more recently!
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